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May 1, 2021

Runner’s diet – what does it look like and what to look for?

Runner’s diet – what does it look like and what to look for?

A beginner amateur runner should know what to eat and how to get the best results. It is not only about losing weight, but also ensuring proper hydration, strengthening muscles, and improving the overall condition. Do you know what a runner’s diet looks like?

Does diet matter at all?

Of course! To maintain or reduce weight in a health-friendly manner, these 3 things should be kept in mind:

You will not achieve the results you want by sitting for hours in the gym and eating highly processed foods, and you will not improve your condition with a diet and forget about regular exercise.

A properly balanced diet will help not only give you an energy boost before and during training, but also allow you to regenerate and improve your general well-being.

Runner’s diet – where to start?

First, calculate your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Thanks to this, you will know what your energy needs are and how to achieve a caloric deficit while maintaining basic life processes. You can find many calculators on the internet to help you calculate your BMR and other important parameters.

The next step is to establish a diet according to the following rules:

What is the runner eating?

In order to approach the topic correctly, remember about the proper selection of dietary ingredients. So your diet should include:


The body’s daily protein requirement is between 1.2 and 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. Remember that men metabolize protein faster, so his needs will be greater. The source of protein will be eggs, meat, fish and dairy products.


Fats are responsible for a number of important activities for the body, and are also a source of energy. They should constitute approx. 30% of the daily diet – the demand is approx. One gram per kilogram of body weight. You will find fats in olive oil (extra virgin), unrefined rapeseed oil, seeds, nuts, butter.


Target complex carbohydrates that release energy slowly. During training, you can afford a snack containing simple carbohydrates to give your body a quick boost of energy. Choose whole grains, cereals (oat, buckwheat), rice, whole grain flour, fruit.

Runner’s diet – the most important rules

For your convenience, we have gathered all the most important information for you:

  1. The diet plan should consist of four to five meals, approximately three to four hours apart
  2. Count calories – including isotonic drinks and snacks during training.
  3. You can eat a larger, light meal up to three hours before training.
  4. Two hours before training, give up a meal, or eat a banana or a cereal bar.
  5. During training, remember to hydrate every 15-20 minutes.
  6. Up to two hours after the end of training, replenish carbohydrates and protein, eat a meal. If you feel hungry right away – drink an energy cocktail.
  7. Eat more vegetables during your non-training days.

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