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May 20, 2021

This is how luxury smells – discover the most expensive perfume in the world

This is how luxury smells – discover the most expensive perfume in the world

PLN 3 million – this is how much a smart home in Warsaw (Wawer) is worth, controlled by an application in a smartphone, with an area of ​​210 square meters. And did you know that for the equivalent of this amount you could buy … a 100 ml bottle of the most expensive perfume in the world? Check what luxury smells like and get to know 2 of the most exclusive scents on the globe with us.

What drives the sky-high perfume prices?

Some perfumes are made of extremely rare raw materials. This definitely affects the purchase price of the fragrance itself. However, in the case of the most expensive perfumes in the world, the final value is shaped by … the packaging. The bottle, designed by famous celebrities in the jewelery world, dazzling with the amount of diamonds and extremely rare gemstones – all this affects the colossally high price of the perfume.

DKNY Golden Delicious Million Dollar Fragnance Bottle

Our list is opened by the most expensive… bottle in the world. The bottle was created in cooperation with the DKNY brand with the famous jewelry designer – Martin Katz. The bottle itself is in the shape of an apple (the trademark of the brand) with a panorama of New York. Little? Well, if a bottle and 100 ml of fragrance cost PLN 3 million, we would require something more. And in fact, the designer took care of luxurious accessories. The bottle itself is made of 14 carat gold (yellow and white). The panorama of New York, on the other hand, consists of almost 3,000 white, fine diamonds and 183 sapphires. The whole is complemented by the most expensive precious stones in the world – ruby, pear-shaped diamond and sapphire (obtained in Sri Lanka).

Interestingly, only one copy of this bottle was made, but we cannot buy it for our own use – it is intended for a charity auction. Consolation for people who cannot afford such a generous gesture will be the information that this fragrance in standard packaging can be found in good drugstores at a fairly affordable price.


In 2019, the cosmetic group The Spirit of Dubai Parfums by Nabeel, in cooperation with designer Asghar Adam Ali Ibrahim, created a universal perfume for men and women with oriental notes:

However, the fragrance itself does not cost $ 1.3 million. The final price is influenced by the unusual bottle and … a 1.97 meter high platform, made of hand-blown Italian Murano glass. The bottle holds up to 3 liters of fragrance and is decorated with precious stones. The number of stones placed has even gained a place in the Guinness Book of Records. The designer used 3,571 diamonds, pearls and topazes, crowning the whole with pure gold and silver decorations. What does the project show? It tells the story of Dubai with distinctive, special symbols.

Can an ordinary mortal also afford a little luxury?

Of course! Everyone knows the Coco Chanel brand. In 1921, Ernest Beaux created a fragrance loved by millions of women – Chanel No. 5. This perfume is available in the best drugstores, at a price quite affordable for wealthy people – about PLN 1,300 per 100 ml.

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