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November 26, 2021



Industrial robots – a few words about their beginnings

When the first, still quite simple, robots appeared, it was certain that the world was changing and would no longer be the same as before. However, these changes have particularly accelerated in recent years. As far as industrial robots are concerned, their history is quite short – the premiere models appeared in use more than half a century ago. Initially, these were huge machines, and no one thought about miniaturisation at that time. Today, large robots are still in use, because smaller ones cannot be used for some jobs. Fortunately, however, there are also more manageable models available, which are especially popular in places where there is no need for large machines. Universal Robots is leading the way here.

Automation – the key to success

As we mentioned earlier, the first robots were used especially in large industry, i.e. the automotive sector. The precursor was the General Motors factory, where robots were created to operate a high-pressure casting machine. Over time, modern machines that relieve people of hard work began to appear in other areas. It was realised that automation is a huge advantage and worth the cost to implement it in your own company. Automation translates not only into significantly faster production, but also a reduction in the human factor.

Cobots – new generation robots

Industrial robotics is a field which is currently developing at a rapid pace, which is not surprising, as the latest automation solutions can be applied to virtually any type of production. So, if you’re wondering whether it’s the right time to upgrade your production, don’t hesitate and check out what Universal Robots, a leading brand in the field of industrial robotics, which has created its own series of modern robots called cobots, has to offer.

These are modern industrial robots designed to work in harmony with humans. This is helped by practical features that make cobots easy and intuitive to use, no matter what industry you are in. You don’t need to have prior programming experience or go through tedious, advanced preparatory courses. Cobots are not only easy to use, but also mobile – they can easily be moved from place to place and used for various tasks. These small industrial robots are therefore particularly suitable for use in small and medium-sized enterprises. No matter what industry we operate in, we can be sure that cobots will automate and speed up our work. Thanks to them, employees no longer have to deal with monotonous but also dangerous tasks.

So if we want to improve production processes, provide better services to customers and at the same time effectively compete with the competition, it is worth investing in development, and its name is industrial robotics. Technology is developing extremely fast and the world is transforming every day – don’t be left behind, think about cobots today.


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