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September 4, 2022

How to host a gala dinner?

How to host a gala dinner?

A gala dinner is the perfect opportunity to get together with friends and family and celebrate a special occasion together. If you’re looking to throw a special party, these tips will help you add a touch of luxury to the whole event.

Do your research on the guests

When planning a party, check any dietary requirements or food allergies of your guests beforehand. Serving vegetarian or vegan dishes doesn’t have to give you a headache if you check and test recipe ideas well in advance.

Consider what kind of food your guests might like, taking into account the season, seasonality and even the weather. If cooking for a large group of guests is stressful for you, it’s a good idea to make a dish you know or have a few rehearsals before the day of the party itself.

Choose a dinner theme

A theme can transform your party into something extraordinary. When inviting guests, let them know the theme of the party beforehand so they can come dressed appropriately. Also use the theme to decorate your kitchen and living room. A themed menu with food and drinks, in the right setting will make your dinner party truly unforgettable.

Use the best tableware

Luxury dining means it’s time to put away the chipped plates or mismatched cutlery and buy the best tableware or invest in new accessories. Tableware doesn’t have to be expensive to look good. Simple white plates and bowls will make a great display for your food.

Hire a chef

If you don’t fancy spending an evening in the kitchen, it’s worth hiring a professional chef for the occasion. Do some research among private chefs in your area and meet with them beforehand to discuss how you want the party to look – how you want to organise it and what to serve.

Use good cookware

If you prefer to cook yourself, it is important to use the right cookware for each meal. For example, use a wok for frying instead of a regular frying pan, and a bamboo rolling mat if you want to make sushi. The right kitchen tools are very important, and using them will make a huge difference.

Serve a variety of drinks

Serving a variety of drinks to your guests will make your party extra special. Wine is traditionally served at parties, but not everyone likes it, and many people don’t drink alcohol or may not be able to, for various reasons. Make sure you have alternative choices such as non-alcoholic beer, fruit juices or classic non-alcoholic cocktails. If you are unsure what your guests like, you can ask them to bring their own suggestions and you can just provide table wine and sparkling water.

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